Doctors Without Borders call for the implementation of the Comprehensive Care Protocol for Sexual Violence Victims and Survivors

One year and half after Honduras approved the Comprehensive Care Protocol for Sexual Violence Victims and Survivors, Doctors Without Borders denounced that the protocol has not been implemented. There are no health facilities or clear mechanisms to avoid revictimization. Medical personnel in several parts of the country don’t know how to provide post-exposure prophylaxis, and the population doesn’t know where to seek help in case of a medical emergency.

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Honduran appeals court returns assets to the Rosenthal family

The Criminal Appeals Court in the Francisco Morazán department ruled in favor of returning properties, vehicles, bank accounts and businesses that Honduran authorities had seized from the Rosenthal family in 2019. Banco Continental and Empacadora Continental are among the seized businesses, both of which allegedly laundered drug proceeds, according to US authorities. Additionally, the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) found that Honduras is responsible for jeopardizing the Rosenthal family estate.

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Violence on the streets of San Pedro Sula during the state of emergency

While the Honduran government announced that homicides decreased in 2023, multiple disappearances have been registered in the Rivera Hernández district, San Pedro Sula, since the state of emergency was imposed in December 2022. But these cases of violence do not appear in official registries. A large segment of the population considers that the fight against crime is moving backwards, and promises to tackle organized crime in neighborhoods around the country have withered along with Hondurans’ trust in security forces.

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Schools, housing and staple grains: The rushed cooperation between Honduras and China

In March 2024, one year after establishing diplomatic relations, China and Honduras signed an economic cooperation agreement whereby the latter would receive a $280 million donation to improve the infrastructure and equipment of education centers around the country. The first disbursement was announced at the signing of the contract, but Honduran authorities say they don’t have access to the funds yet, and the Foreign Ministry’s transparency portal doesn’t provide additional information on the agreement – which was signed after the National Assembly passed a bill allowing negotiations, agreements and treaties ratified by the Honduran State to be conducted secretively.

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Especial de migración: movimiento perpetuo

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Mining megaproject illegally built on land destined for agrarian reform

Between 2017 and 2022, representatives of Inversiones Los Pinares, acting in complicity with officials from the administration of Juan Orlando Hernández – including Ramón Lara Bueso, former director of the National Agrarian Institute (INA), and Ilsa Lorena Torres, former congressional candidate from the Libre Party – illegally obtained title deeds of land destined for agrarian reform to build part of a mining megaproject, which has caused an environmental conflict that still has consequences for the municipality of Tocoa, northern Honduras.

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Mining megaproject illegally built on land destined for agrarian reform

Between 2017 and 2022, representatives of Inversiones Los Pinares, acting in complicity with officials from the administration of Juan Orlando Hernández – including Ramón Lara Bueso, former director of the National Agrarian Institute (INA), and Ilsa Lorena Torres, former congressional candidate from the Libre Party – illegally obtained title deeds of land destined for agrarian reform to build part of a mining megaproject, which has caused an environmental conflict that still has consequences for the municipality of Tocoa, northern Honduras.

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An imposed refoundation

Hondurans euphorically relived celebrations of the November 2021 elections, which had the highest voter turnout in recent history, when former President Juan Orlando Hernández was apprehended in February 2022. Hernández was prosecuted in the U.S. and is now awaiting trial for drug trafficking charges. However, hope for a possible way out of a prolonged political crisis to a period of democratization quickly turned to frustration, a change that began in National Congress when the new administration took office.

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migrant-mother encontramos a miriam una mujer que huyó de honduras huir

We Found Miriam

Miriam is a woman who fled from Honduras with her two year old son. The statement she gave in front of a United States immigration court describing her experience being separated from her son went viral after a video was published that showed a group of actors and other celebrities reading it aloud. Miriam is invisible, but hundreds of thousands heard her in the voices of these people that have

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Central American and Palestinian Liberation Struggles are Intertwined

The past four months have been one that has further exposed the farce of the “Western” world order we live in. The State of Israel has killed over 30,000 Palestinians, with the backing of North American and European “democracies” while people all over the world bear witness to endless massacres and dehumanization live streamed on social media platforms.

Will we be able to heal our wounds after this trial?

Amilcar Alexander Ardón Soriano walked to the witness stand, beneath the solemn gaze of Judge Castel, presiding over the trial that is still an open wound within all Hondurans. A wound that cannot be explained, yet has fractured us, leading us to address—or rather, complicate—every issue with a relentless cycle of dispossession.


Long-awaited and partial justice for Honduran political refugee in the U.S.

Monserrat is the daughter of Margarita Murillo, a Honduran leading activist who was involved in campesino movements until her murder in 2014. She arrived in the U.S. after receiving death threats for seeking justice for her mother and has been living as a political refugee in New York ever since. During the trial against former Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández, a witness mentioned Marlene Banegas, a Honduran prosecutor who was murdered after receiving information that exposed Hernández’ ties to the drug trade. Banegas was also investigating Murillo’s murder.

The trial against JOH does not alter the existing reality in Honduras

“You have to learn to respect the opinions of others, what I’m telling you is that anything can happen and it’s possible that in the end JOH will walk free,” said one man to another in a store next to the old train lines, an area occupied by street vendors in San Pedro Sula, northern Honduras.

New York, the sanctuary city holding the trial of former president Juan Orlando Hernández

Situated on one side of the train tracks in the Bronx is La Esquina Garífuna, a food truck specializing in traditional Honduran cuisine. Owned by José Manuel, a Garífuna who migrated to the United States a decade ago with his wife to escape the political turmoil in Honduras. Despite being in an unassuming location amid a chilling -4°C, the welcoming atmosphere created by José makes you overlook the constant noise of passing trains every five minutes and the litter from nearby residents.

Silence in the face of historical memories

It’s been over 44 years since the disappearance, torture and murder of hundreds of people in Honduras, and Berta Oliva, coordinator of the Committee of Families of Disappeared and Detainees in Honduras (COFADEH), doesn’t feel like crying anymore because her main objective is to “contribute, serve and help.” She’s focused on creating awareness about the disappearances that took place in the 1980s and wants to preserve the historical memory so that the violence of a silent war against ideas doesn’t occur again. For that reason, she established the Museo Contra el Olvido.

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