Human rights

Perfect timing by the Zelaya family

Honduras is in a state of political turmoil. After terminating the US extradition treaty, the Castro government has shifted key figures to strengthen its “re-foundation

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Diverse voices

Wherein lies our pride?

It’s just a regular day. I leave my house and it’s not long before people stare at me. They stare with disgust and disapproval; others

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Climate change and the environment

Miskito jellyfish for China

Facing the Caribbean Sea, along kilometers of a white beach in the Honduran Moskitia, more than 160 shacks that a few months ago functioned as

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An imposed refoundation

Hondurans euphorically relived celebrations of the November 2021 elections, which had the highest voter turnout in recent history, when former President Juan Orlando Hernández was

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Climate change and the environment

Is the ZEDE law repealed?

On October 31, ordinary sessions in National Congress were brought to a close. This was the last opportunity to ratify the repeal of the ZEDE

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Documenting daily life

Honduras’ last Garifuna refuge

Comayagüela is the commercial epicenter of the capital of Honduras and also the most unequal. There, violence and multiple expressions of survival converge. On the

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Special: Digital Mercenaries

Honduras, a paradise for disinformers 

They come from Colombia, Spain, the United States, Peru, Mexico, or Israel. They flourish in electoral campaigns. They are political consultants. This investigation reveals unspeakable

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Is Honduras still a narco-state?

An investigation by Contracorriente revealed the effects of drug trafficking in the communities of El Merendón, in northern Honduras, where villagers still fear Geovanny Fuentes

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Diverse voices

Our shouts, bodies and colors

Text:Javier Carrington Graphics:Persy Cabrera Translated and Edited by: Jorge Paz Reyes When we talk about screams, we always associate them with violence or lack of

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