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Doctors Without Borders call for the implementation of the Comprehensive Care Protocol for Sexual Violence Victims and Survivors

One year and half after Honduras approved the Comprehensive Care Protocol for Sexual Violence Victims and Survivors, Doctors Without Borders denounced that the protocol has not been implemented. There are no health facilities or clear mechanisms to avoid revictimization. Medical personnel in several parts of the country don’t know how

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Honduran appeals court returns assets to the Rosenthal family

The Criminal Appeals Court in the Francisco Morazán department ruled in favor of returning properties, vehicles, bank accounts and businesses that Honduran authorities had seized from the Rosenthal family in 2019. Banco Continental and Empacadora Continental are among the seized businesses, both of which allegedly laundered drug proceeds, according to

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Honduras: A narco-state where the majority of the population don’t consider drug trafficking the country’s main problem

A recent poll by Equipo de Reflexión, Investigación y Comunicación (ERIC-SJ) found that the Honduran population profoundly distrusts public institutions and believes the drug trade remains deeply entrenched in them. However, Hondurans don’t perceive this as the country’s main problem, and 21 percent of the population say former President Juan

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