Perfil de Redacción Regional

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Central America

Gang members on the run: MS-13’s exodus from El Salvador

Since President Bukele imposed the state of emergency in El Salvador in March 2022, hundreds of gang members have fled to Mexico, the US, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala and Spain. Dromómanos and Redacción Regional interviewed dozens of men who went from calling the shots in El Salvador to living miserably abroad and fearing deportation. As the Bukele government turns into a dictatorship, those who stayed are either imprisoned or in hiding.

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Central America

Bukele’s administration awarded public works contracts to public officials, members of the Nuevas Ideas party and sanctioned companies without experience

Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele diverted funds from the development of municipalities to create an institution that decides what public works projects will be carried out and which companies will be hired to do so. He argues that the decision was made to end “corruption by the opposition” in municipalities. However, after almost two years, the government has illegally awarded contracts of up to $266.5 million in discretionary spending to 61 companies, of which those led by public officials, a former Nuevas Ideas candidate and party members stand out.

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