Perfil de Martín Cálix

niña cortando café trabaja cosechando café junto a su familia. Corquín, Copán,
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The children who harvest your coffee

The best, export-quality Honduran coffee is grown at 1,600 meters above sea level, say the local coffee growers in the mountains of Corquín, one of Copán department’s most important coffee-growing areas.

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Al menos unas 350 familias se han refugiado bajo el puente de la salida a occidente, luego de las inundaciones provocadas por las tormentas tropicales Eta e Iota que devastaron el sector de Chamelecón. San Pedro Sula, 21 de noviembre de 2020. Foto: Martín Cálix.

Chamelecón: Neglected people rebuild

Approximately 350 families from the sector of Chamelecón are seeking refuge underneath a bridge; shelters are not an option. The families hope to avoid both flooding and the violence of the gangs who control their community.

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